15 Museums to Visit in Washington, D.C.
Exploring museums isn’t just for bad weather days. They offer a glimpse into different corners of the world at different moments in time. They provide an opportunity to learn visually and interactively and preserve history, art, culture, and stories of the people who came before us. Museums often have educational, preservation, and research programs crucial for everything from civil rights to environmental science to art history. They inspire future pilots, archaeologists, painters, and doctors. They make learning fun and present information in digestible yet impactful ways.
5-Day Itinerary to Washington DC
Five days is the perfect amount of time to soak up Washington DC. Museums alone could fill that but having a longer visit leaves room for day trips and taking your time. DC has plenty to offer from historical sites and buildings to restaurants and shopping. Regardless of your interests, there's something for everyone. Having spent quite some time in DC, I've put together an itinerary for a 5-day trip that includes everything from sightseeing to day trips. Grab a pen for notes, and keep reading…