15 Museums to Visit in Washington, D.C.
Exploring museums isn’t just for bad weather days. They offer a glimpse into different corners of the world at different moments in time. They provide an opportunity to learn visually and interactively and preserve history, art, culture, and stories of the people who came before us. Museums often have educational, preservation, and research programs crucial for everything from civil rights to environmental science to art history. They inspire future pilots, archaeologists, painters, and doctors. They make learning fun and present information in digestible yet impactful ways.
Things to Do in Old Town Alexandria
Washington, D.C., draws millions of tourists annually, but the charming city of Alexandria, Virginia, is a quick drive across the Potomac River. Often overlooked or simply included as a day trip in a D.C. itinerary, Old Town Alexandria is full of history, character, and charm, making it a stand-out destination. There’s plenty to see and do in the heart of this historic neighborhood. Whether you have one day to explore while visiting the larger DMV area or plan to book a long weekend getaway, soak up every bit of this delightful Virginian city.
10 U.S. Destinations for a Solo Trip
For first-time travelers, venturing somewhere closer to home could make the experience much more comfortable. Lucky for those who live in the continental U.S., there are endless destinations to explore coast to coast. You could say it’s one of the biggest perks of living in the States. Whether you feel the most at home in a big city or prefer something quieter with big open spaces, it’s impossible not to find exactly what you’re looking for, and solo travel ensures you don’t have to compromise for anyone or anything. When it comes down to choosing a destination, ask yourself a few questions. What are you looking to get out of this trip? What are you most excited to see and do? And what do you want to take away from it?
10 Historically Significant Sites in Washington, D.C.
There are cities filled with so much history that they might as well be walking time machines, like Boston. Other cities, like Washington D.C., certainly have history but memorialize it more than anything. In fact, the nation’s capitol has over 160 memorials. So, while Boston has the past oozing out of every brick and cobblestone, D.C. is more of a testament to days gone by. That’s not to say D.C. doesn’t have sites with historical impact. Most cities have stories to be told if you know where to look, and in the Capitol, that’s in old, iconic buildings.
5-Day Itinerary to Washington DC
Five days is the perfect amount of time to soak up Washington DC. Museums alone could fill that but having a longer visit leaves room for day trips and taking your time. DC has plenty to offer from historical sites and buildings to restaurants and shopping. Regardless of your interests, there's something for everyone. Having spent quite some time in DC, I've put together an itinerary for a 5-day trip that includes everything from sightseeing to day trips. Grab a pen for notes, and keep reading…