Reflective + Personal Christine Rosko Reflective + Personal Christine Rosko

When Time Starts to Feel Like the Enemy

In a world that has become so obsessed with connectivity, we have become more disconnected than ever. Social media platforms were created to build communities and help people stay connected. As they’ve evolved, we have become consumed with staying current with the latest viral videos and trends. Being in the loop has shifted from seeing what’s “in season” in magazines to doom-scrolling a hundred reels with the same audio for an hour straight.

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Reflective + Personal Christine Rosko Reflective + Personal Christine Rosko

2024 Reflections: Disconnecting to Reconnect, Top Trips, & Intentions for the Next Year

Travel was a significant part of my life before the pandemic. Working as a freelancer, I’ve had the privilege of taking my “office” with me, and I took full advantage of that luxury. The pandemic was one of several challenging years, and travel stopped for me months before the world shut down. While I’d like to say that I could fuel that part of me in other ways, it just didn’t seem the same. Coming back to travel in 2024 felt like coming home again.

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Reflective + Personal Christine Rosko Reflective + Personal Christine Rosko

Why Getting Back to Travel Is About More Than Sight-Seeing

There’s a scene in Eat Pray Love when Liz is in Italy visiting the Augusteum. She explains the origin of these ancient ruins and talks about how the city has built itself above it over time.

It’s one of the simplest things, sitting in what she considers the “quietest and loneliest” part of Rome. But that brief experience had an impact on the way she started to see things. It was a pivotal moment in finally letting go of the relationship she had with David. It didn’t make the experience - the heartbreak - any less painful but it allowed her to take the first step to move forward. This is the beauty, and the privilege, of travel. It takes us outside our routines and self-imposed bubbles where nothing changes and opens our eyes to looking at life differently. This world is so much bigger than the next promotion or moving in with a partner. If we allow ourselves to look outside the world we limit ourselves to, there’s so much more to be discovered about ourselves, the people in our lives, the challenges we’re working through, and the people around us. 

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Reflective + Personal Christine Rosko Reflective + Personal Christine Rosko

Introducing Lattes, Life, & Luggage: The Next Chapter

 Bringing people together at a table with great food and conversation is something I love doing, and I wanted to take that on a digital journey. I firmly believe that there would be more kindness and acceptance in the world if we could hear each other’s stories, and I want to give people an opportunity to do just that. Open us up to asking questions without judgment or expectation. In a world with a news cycle that thrives on negativity and shock factor, I want to create a corner of the internet to inspire dreaming and welcome safe conversation. I want words and stories to be accessible and to encourage community. 

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